Pure Heart

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Journey of the Heart with Goddess Ixchel (online via Zoom)

I still remember sitting on the beach in Mexico and clearly hearing her call. She called me home after a very, very long time. On my 30th birthday, I was welcomed into the Sisterhood of Ixchel by my dear sister Emmanuel (Priestess of Ixchel), in Ixchel`s temple on the Isla Mujeres. After my training as a Sea Priestess, where I worked intensively with Ixchel’s mythology and energy, I dedicated myself to her in a beautiful, magical ceremony.
Her story taught me courage and patience. Absolute dedication and trust. I was reborn as a Priestess of Ixchel! The time is now and I’m excited to tell you all about her! May you taste her magical medicine and open your heart.
During these 4 evenings online via Zoom, you will learn how to work with the great Mayan Goddess Ixchel and listen deeply to her inspiration on how to manifest our dreams for our priestess path.
She is moon and water goddess, weaver, midwife, healer, medicine – rainbow and jaguar woman. With her help as a medicine woman, we find our internal medicine to get into our jaguar power. Ixchel shows herself in her trinity: White Goddess, Rainbow and Red Goddess and Grandmother Goddess. She gives us strength in difficult relationships and helps us step into our authentic selves.
We will also work with her spirit animals: the dragonfly (new beginnings), jaguar (strength), rabbit (fertility) and snake (transformation).
I can`t wait to journey with you!
Dates: 2., 8., 15., 22. Oktober 2024
Time: 7-9pm (UK time)
Energy exchange: 180 Euro for 4 evenings (payment plan available)
Sign up: stephanie@pureheart.ch
You will recieve the zoom link and further information after sign up.
Stephanie Allison Schudel is
Sea Priestess of Ixchel, Priestess of the Goddess of 10`000 Names, Priestess of Rhiannon, Priestess of Verena, Priestess of Sophia-Magdalene, Teacher, Speaker and Ceremonialist. Founder of the Pure Heart Priestess School and the Temple of the Rose in Switzerland. Working with women as a spiritual coach and mentor since 2008.

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